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These are great points!! Really interesting to consider, thanks for elaborating. I love the distinction between hedonic and eudaimonic beauty, that might solve for the difference between the "sexy/hot" idea of beauty and the idea of beauty as a virtue.

There's definitely a role for the subjective in considering beauty, which is important because that subjectivity in what we personally find beautiful is probably a function of humans being so adaptable/unique, thus it's probably what makes the art we create exist on such a huge spectrum between what's almost universally considered beautiful to what's considered beautiful by only a few. That spectrum is also probably a good way to conceive of how beauty can both be objective and subjective.

Ha, I love the grunge example re: torn clothing. I'm a huge Alice in Chains fan! That's probably my favorite grunge band. And yet both in appearance and music, there are people I'll never be able to convince of the beauty in it. I think these more niche examples are interesting blends of subjective and objective.

You also make a really fascinating point on the emphasis "prettiness" and -core culture. That's kind of my sense too, that in some way we've forgotten to think about beauty as something more meaningful and serious than just a pleasing appearance and it's leading to all kinds of problems. Despite the subjective preferences around it, the experience and recognition of beauty is universal; that means it probably does something important for us.

And so true about calling everyone beautiful being self-defeating! "....it’s the consequence of wanting both the rush from rebelling against a norm *and* the social validation from being able to meet a standard." I actually see this exact dynamic play out in a lot of things! Definitely feels like the "look" of rebellion: blue hair but ideologically conformist to what all your peers believe archetype lol.

Thank you so much for joining and expanding on the topic! I love getting another thoughtful perspective on this topic; I don't think it gets discussed enough. And thank you! That dress is one of my favorites 🙏

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